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For this collage unit we were lucky enough to have student, Joe Keys, studying a degree in visual arts in the UK, demonstrate and explain his art. Joe demonstrated some of the inspiration and the influences behind his pieces, providing us with key information as well as stimulating our own ideas and thoughts that we would extract into our own art pieces. I deeply enjoyed his art work as it was my type of aesthetic and uses a colour pallet that appeals greatly to me. Joe said he finds old newspapers, magazines as well as LP records as material in his collages. 

Hugo Barros

This artwork is untitled but seems to be apart of a series called Melt. The series explores the serene, the apocalyptic and the unusual. I have chosen to look at this artist as the colours, the texture and the style of his work deeply allure me. My first reaction to the art was euphoria as the concepts are particular and captivating. The art uses a mix of colour that provides this emotion as it uses 'joyful' and bright colours such as red, yellow and green which is normally associated with contented emotions. the first word that came into my head when I first saw the art piece was, Texture, this is because you can see the texture through the screen, which is quite hard to come across when  a piece of work is photographed. The part of the work I noticed first was the window directly in the middle of the work, this is due to the placement as well as the colour and geometric shape change from the rest of the art. As well as this the bold black border surrounding the window draws instant attention towards it. 

Linder Sterling 

This art piece also seems to appear untitled. I was intrigued by this art work as it themes are similar to the themes I like to use in my work. My first reaction to the work was fascination due to the themes as well as the deep context behind the piece. The use of the lighting to give it a nostalgic 'vintage' feel. The emotion triggered from the work is awed due to the concepts and articles used in the work as well as my love for the aesthetic. The aspect of the work that grabs my attention the most is the flower, this is because it's the most out of place component of the art piece. As there are only three components of the work it provides the viewer with a clearer view of each aspect of the work.



This artwork does provide me with a memory. a remembrance from when I was a child and would visit my aunts house who had a backyard that joined into a forest. As my aunt was quite a messy individual, I would always discover out of place objects, one of these were a mirror. The work reminds me of this due to the natural aspects brought into the piece as well as the 'out of place' prominent object in the middle. 

The art piece does provided me with a memory as the art evolves around concepts I like to base my art around. The use of the naked body in the work is similar to some of my work as in some of my pieces, my focal point of the work is a naked woman's body. â€‹

Final Collage Piece 

Obsession, the state of being obsessed with someone or something. I decided to revolve my art around the ‘obsession’ of the female body. Throughout the ages society has been obsessed with the idea of the ‘perfect body’, each decade with a different deception of what the perfect body is. For example in the 1600’s a ‘fuller’ ‘plump’ woman was prefered as it meant they were wealthy, in the 1920’s the ideal body type was a ‘ boyish’ figure. Each decade and/or century has their own ideal body type which defines the characteristics and behaviours of woman. For my collage piece I decided to use one of the most iconic sex symbols and models of the 20th century, Kate Moss. I decided to use her as not only is she a incredibly distinguished model which makes her a substantial individual to use in my art. I used a naked image of Moss to make a prominent observation that my work is about the obsession of the female body. I decided to use cut out small heads of white men due to this being the globally dominant demographic. I placed the heads at the bottom of the cutout of Kate Moss to make her appear as a ‘goddess’ to just show the extent of how a individual who are sexually attracted to women, view the naked body.  The initial colour I painted the background is a deep maroon which I currently do not like as it makes the work appear more ‘dark’ and doesn't compliment the image.

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